2023: Mastering the Dance Competition Scene: Essential Policies for Competition Dancers

Some suggestions on policies that could be added or revised for competition dancers based on common situations that may arise:

  1. Attendance and Commitment: Clarify expectations regarding attendance at rehearsals, classes, and competitions, as well as the consequences of unexcused absences. Emphasize the importance of commitment to the team and the impact of absences on group performances.
  2. Code of Conduct: Outline a code of conduct that covers behavior, sportsmanship, and professionalism, both during competitions and outside of dance events. This may include guidelines on appropriate attire, social media usage, and interactions with other teams, judges, and staff.
  3. Health and Safety: Include policies on injury prevention, first aid procedures, and emergency protocols. Specify guidelines for dancers with existing medical conditions, and require dancers to report any injuries or health concerns promptly to the designated staff or coach.
  4. Parental Involvement: Define expectations for parental involvement, such as attending meetings, volunteering, and supporting fundraising efforts. Outline communication channels and protocols for parents to discuss concerns or provide feedback.
  5. Costume and Music Selection: Provide guidelines on appropriate costume and music selection, including restrictions on explicit content or offensive themes. Specify the process for costume fittings, alterations, and returns, as well as the responsibilities of dancers in caring for their costumes.
  6. Financial Obligations: Clearly communicate fees, payment deadlines, and refund policies. Specify any additional costs for competitions, travel, or costumes. Outline consequences for non-payment or late payments, and provide options for payment plans or scholarships for dancers in need.
  7. Competition Rules and Etiquette: Provide detailed information on competition rules, regulations, and etiquette, including guidelines on behavior in dressing rooms, backstage areas, and on-stage. Clarify consequences for violations of competition rules or inappropriate behavior.
  8. Media Release: Include a media release clause that outlines how photos, videos, and other media may be used for promotional purposes, and specify any restrictions or permissions required from dancers or parents.
  9. Conflict Resolution: Outline a process for resolving conflicts or disputes, whether they involve dancers, parents, or staff. Specify the appropriate channels for reporting and addressing issues, and provide guidelines on respectful communication and conflict resolution techniques.
  10. Policy Updates: Include a clause that states the policies may be revised or updated as needed, and specify the process for notifying dancers and parents of any changes.

Remember to consult with legal and/or dance industry experts to ensure that your policies comply with relevant laws and regulations, and to customize them to the specific needs and requirements of your competition dance team.