Mastering the Audition/Evaluation Process for Competitive Dance: Best Practices and Sample Forms

Auditions and evaluations are an essential part of the competitive dance world, helping dance studios and teams identify the most talented and dedicated dancers. To streamline the audition/evaluation process and ensure fairness and transparency, it’s crucial to have a well-designed and comprehensive audition/evaluation form. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the best practices for conducting auditions and evaluations in competitive dance and provide sample forms that can be used as a starting point for your own auditions. We’ll cover important considerations such as criteria for evaluation, scoring systems, documentation, and communication with dancers and their families. Whether you’re a dance studio owner, coach, or judge, this blog post will provide valuable insights and resources to help you master the audition/evaluation process and select the best dancers for your competitive dance program.


Dance Studio: ____________________________ Date: ____________________________

Dancer’s Name: ____________________________ Age: _______ Date of Birth: ____________

Dance Style(s) Auditioned for: _________________________________________________

Evaluator(s): ______________________________________________________________

Please rate the dancer’s performance in each category using the following scale:

5 – Excellent 4 – Very Good 3 – Good 2 – Fair 1 – Needs Improvement

Technical Skills:

  • Dance technique (e.g., turns, leaps, jumps, extensions)
  • Body alignment and posture
  • Musicality and rhythm
  • Flexibility and strength
  • Execution of choreography


  • Expressiveness and emotion
  • Interpretation of music and movement
  • Stage presence and charisma
  • Projection and connection with the audience
  • Creativity and originality

Performance Quality:

  • Energy and enthusiasm
  • Stage presence and confidence
  • Projection and connection with fellow dancers
  • Timing and synchronization with music and other dancers
  • Overall performance quality

Potential and Attitude:

  • Potential for growth and improvement
  • Willingness to learn and take feedback
  • Attitude, professionalism, and work ethic
  • Commitment and dedication to dance
  • Team player and positive attitude toward fellow dancers

Additional Comments: _____________________________________________________

Overall Score: ________ (Total of all categories)


  • Accepted for Competitive Dance Program
  • Accepted with Conditional Placement (specify conditions if applicable)
  • Not Accepted at this Time

Evaluator Signature: ________________________ Date: _____________________________

Dancer Signature (if applicable): ________________________ Date: ___________________

Please note that this form serves as an evaluation and does not guarantee acceptance into the competitive dance program. The decision of the evaluators is final. Thank you for auditioning with us!