
The Enroll Magnet Experience includes

Website Packages vary in price depending upon your need. Please feel free to get in touch via chat, email or phone to get the estimate

It includes:
Responsive WordPress website
Built on the easiest-to-use WordPress platform and responsive for desktop and mobile.
Search Engine Optimized Pages
Search Engine optimized Pages so your business can be found by your people looking for your services. 
Google Analytics
Website linked to Google Analytics so the number of visitors to your website can be tracked.
Social Media
Website linked to all your social networks with matching social icons
Gallery to showcase your products.
Contact Form 
Have a contact form so your customers can reach you easily.
Ecommerce with Paypal
Add a Cart so customers can buy from your website.
Marketing Material Design
Get matching designs for your business card, postcard, and any social media banners.
Your business will get a unique logo design
Local Business Marketing Tips
You will get tips to accelerate the reach and growth of your business
Thirty days of post-launch support is included in your experience. Forgot to embed a form? Want to swap out one of your portfolios? No problem at all, I’m here to help!

Website Packages vary in price depending upon your need. Please feel free to get in touch via chat, email or phone to get the estimate

The Enroll Magnet Signature Process

1. Meet and Greet: Schedule a call with me by Send me an email at, call me at (631) 486-0032. We’ll discuss your business goals.

2. Welcome Aboard: We kick start the project once you buy the custom website package created for you.

3. Organize: We’ll work together to put together a vision document for your website.

4. Design: Here’s where it all comes together! We’ll collaborate on website design with mockups and frequent updates.

5. Pre Launch: The pre-launch is our opportunity to tie up any loose ends and to get you 100% confident in managing your website. We’ll walk you through everything you need to get going

6. Launch: Time to celebrate! We’ll coordinate your launch on social media to show off your site and get your customers excited!

7. Marketing Material Design: I’ll provide designs for your business card, postcard and any social media banners.

8. Post-Launch: Thirty days of post-launch support is included in your experience. Forgot to embed a form? Want to swap out one of your portfolios? No problem at all, I’m here to help!